LAst week tuesday,we celebrate mark's birthday.As usual,we will go "wet" after the lecturer class end at 11am...1st of all,we take 191 to sungei wang and walk to times square watch th3 009 1st...but mark still dunno we'll celebrate his birthday,just thought that we go wet just "soh gang gang" follow,still dunno wat happen,very funny.About 12.00pm,we reach jor sg wang and plan go watch movie 1st,then only go cheong-k...
the banner in front of times square GSC.
This movie Very funny lo...hope to see this movie 2nd time...after finish jor movie,just about 2 something and stomach feel not hungry but very full bcoz eat the large size of popcorn just now watch movie XD...lolx.Then together go cheong-k lu...woohoo show time but the girl really geng and often sing high,me just RAP a bit only to show them some colour XD... b4 cheong-k,i just know alice's birthday just earlier than mark a mark should call her Dai Ga Zhe haha...Birthday Time...mark suddnly stun jor coz nvr know we celebrate his birthday...surprise leh
Birthday Boy & Buffday Girl show they r 18 to do something...
Ready to cut the cake...
For below photo: DAC G16 ROX ^^...
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